10-Year Old Counselor
This past weekend I watched a movie with the girl I've been seeing. It happens to be one of her favorite movies, "of all time." I'm not sure how I got talked into it because I really had no desire to see it, but in an effort to be open-minded and to try some of the things she likes instead of just continuing to live in my own judgemental little world, I grabbed two pints of Ben and Jerry's and settled in to watch the acclaimed antics of one Napolean Dynamite.
Now, many of you are going to hate me for this, but I truly found this movie completely uninspiring and rather boring. I mean, nothing happened: no real story, no character development, no moral. Just some geek in high school spewing out unintelligable nonsense and monosyllabic phrases. I did take note that the movie was playing toward the dark comedy genius of Wes Anderson (director of Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums) but I felt that it fell way short.
Regardless, my current partner in crime (we'll call her Leigh) was a little upset that I did not find one of her favorite movies funny...and started questioning whether things could possibly work between us. So much did she worry about this that she posited the question of whether our relationship could continue to a young boy for whom she babysits occassionally.
In the infinite wisdom bestowed upon this young man at the tender age of 10, he said quite simply, "Leigh, it's just a movie." Ah, from the mouths of babes. So, let me take this opportunity to publicly thank this young man for saving a relationship teetering on the brink of destruction.
In fact, we have decided to go to him on a bi-monthly basis for couple's counseling. I have good feelings about how things are going to turn out with a 10-year old providing guidance through our relationship.
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