Friday, June 09, 2006

Ten Things

Ten things I learned when visiting New Orleans:

10) Publicly announcing that one would like New Orleans to be a "Chocolate City" is guaranteed to get you plenty of news exposure and you may even get your face printed on some shoddy t-shirt.

9) Boats don't function well as a major source of transportation once flood waters have receeded, but they do make wonderful lawn ornaments.

8) Voodoo rituals can be a valuable source of fresh chicken for those on a limited budget.

7) Calling funnel cake by a fancy French name like Beignets will certainly entice visitors into ordering some for the whole table.

6) Having your palm read can be a business expense if your reader discusses your career for more than five minutes.

5) When attempting to suck the meat out of a crawfish, make sure it's dead first.

4) 3-for-1 drink specials are to make that band sound ten times better than they really are...and it works.

3) FEMA is a bad word...or acronym as it were.

2) There is such a thing as 'too drunk'.

1) Projectile vomitting on Bourbon street falls under the catagory of performance art.


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